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Canadian Penny worth

The Canadian penny was discontinued in 2012, but it is still legal tender in Canada. However, it is no longer widely used, and many businesses no longer accept it. If you have any Canadian pennies, you may be wondering How much is a Canadian penny worth in USD.

Canadian Penny worth

The exchange rate of Canadian penny

The exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the US dollar fluctuates constantly, so the value of a Canadian penny in USD will also vary. However, as of October 20, 2023, 1 Canadian dollar is worth approximately 0.73 US dollars. This means that a Canadian penny is worth approximately 0.07 US dollars.

Other factors to consider

If you are planning to exchange your Canadian pennies for US dollars, there are a few other factors to keep in mind. First, you may have to pay a fee to exchange your currency. This fee will vary depending on where you exchange your currency.

Second, the exchange rate that you are offered may not be the same as the official exchange rate. This is because currency exchange bureaus typically add a spread to the exchange rate in order to make a profit.

How much is a Canadian penny worth
Canadian penny

Tips for exchanging your Canadian pennies for US dollars:

  1. Compare the exchange rates offered by different currency exchange bureaus before you exchange your currency.
  2. Ask about any fees that you may have to pay.
  3. If you have a large number of pennies to exchange, you may be able to negotiate a better exchange rate.
    Other options
  4. If you don’t want to go to a currency exchange bureau, there are a few other options for exchanging your Canadian pennies for US dollars.
  5. You can try to exchange them with a friend or family member who is traveling to the United States.
  6. You can also try to sell them to a coin collector.

How much is a Canadian penny worth in USD: A Canadian penny is worth about 0.01 US dollars.

How much is a Canadian penny worth in USD?

Answer: As of October 23, 2023, a Canadian penny is worth about 0.01 US dollars.

How much is a 1981 Canadian penny worth?

A 1981 Canadian penny is worth about 0.01 US dollars.

Canadian penny 1867 to 1967

Canadian pennies minted between 1867 and 1967 are worth about 0.01 US dollars each.

Canadian penny value 1964

A 1964 Canadian penny is worth about 0.01 US dollars.

Canadian penny 1867 to 1992 error

The value of a Canadian penny error coin will vary depending on the type of error and the condition of the coin. Some error coins may be worth significantly more than their face value.

1 cent coin value

A 1 cent coin is worth 0.01 US dollars.

Canada 1 cent 1867 to 1992 value

Canadian pennies minted between 1867 and 1992 are worth about 0.01 US dollars each.

Canadian to USD

As of October 23, 2023, 1 Canadian dollar is worth approximately 0.73 US dollars.

If you have any Canadian pennies, you can exchange them for US dollars at most currency exchange bureaus. However, you should be aware of the exchange rate and any fees that you may have to pay.

However, it is important to note that Canadian pennies are not very valuable, so you may not be able to get very much money for them.

By Daniel A Mark

Daniel A. Mark is a respected coin collector and historian, with a passion for pennies. He is a frequent speaker and writer on coin collecting topics, and a member of several coin collecting organizations.

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